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Effective Therapist Directory 

Testimonials are great, but what does the real world data say? 

One App,
Many Uses

The FIT Pro Development Community offers a unique service to promote your practice and connect with peers. Our Effective Therapist Directory allows you to showcase your practice and increase visibility for potential clients. It also provides a platform for you to network with other professionals in the field, share ideas, and learn from one another.

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Effective Therapist Directory Profiles

Display digital credentials of ICCE certified Trainers (CFT) and Practitioners (CFP)

Showcase practice-based evidence of effectiveness using International Center for Clinical Excellence (ICCE) reporting standardsĀ 

Number of Clients

The number of people they have met with in their current position. For practice based evidence to be reliable this number should be greater than 40.

Average Number of Sessions

The average number of times they met each person. This gives you an idea of how many sessions will be likely be required.

Pre-Post Effect Size

A measure of reliable improvement from the first visit to the last. The standard for almost all recognized therapy practices is 0.8.

% of Clients Reaching Target

The percent of people who reached the predicted target score. Reaching service target is an indicator treatment was effective. 

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