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Discovering New Solutions with
Holistic Research

Join us in our mission to track and improve treatment outcomes

Holistic Research Canada is a highly respected research foundation with a strong commitment to advancing data-driven, transparent, and personalized care. What sets us apart is our groundbreaking digital outcome and progress monitoring innovations. Our award winning achievements have been recognized internationally for over two decades.

Our Impact


Consulting Hours


Research Projects



Years of Experience



Measuring Outcomes in Mental and Behavioural Health

Outcome Measurement Systems

We specialize in developing outcome measurement systems that are tailored to the unique needs of mental and behavioural health systems. Our practice-based study design expertise helps practitioners and researchers measure and improve the effectiveness of their treatments and interventions.

Dashboard Metrics

Our team can help you develop client dashboard metrics that provide a comprehensive overview of your practice or research program. These metrics can help you identify areas for improvement and measure progress over time.

Risk Identification

We can help you identify clients who are deteriorating, or at risk for dropping out of treatment  Our risk identification strategies can help you intervene early and improve outcomes for your clients.



Improving Outcomes

Holistic Research Canada is a social enterprise dedicated to advancing the use of practice-based evidence to improve mental and behavioural health services and digital health solutions. We have been conducting research for over 20 years and have been widely recognized for our achievements in the health care industry, and our commitment to improving the health and well-being of individuals and communities by advancing digital outcome and progress monitoring innovations.


Holistic Research Canada was founded by Cindy Hansen, a gifted psychometrician and internationally recognized proponent of practice-based evidence in healthcare. In 2003, she received several awards and bursaries to develop a new general outcome measurement system for use in complementary and integrative medicine.


In 2004, Holistic Research Canada, became a founding member of the Canadian Interdisciplinary Network of Complementary Medicine Researchers. Since then, Cindy has earned a reputation as an award-winning innovator with a passion for working at the system level, in the health care industry, to improve treatment effectiveness. 


Recipient of the 2015, Medipex NHS Mental Health Innovation Award for the field of Mental Health and Wellbeing, Cindy is a member of the Psychometric Society and the first female to earn the Certified FIT Trainer (CFT) designation from the International Center for Clinical Excellence in 2012.

Chief Science Officers and Clinical Directors interested in developing or improving their outcome measurement systems benefit from our years of experience working internationally in all kinds of service settings. Let us  help your staff use Feedback-Informed Treatment (FIT) and Measurement-Based Care (MBC) tools and best practices to help more clients, more often.

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